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No, they discovered how to start and utilize fire for themselves.

Lightning can and has ignited many combustible items, usually trees.

Observing and learning from this is what most likely motivated their ingenuity.

Invent; Means to create or design something.

To say they invented one of the elements would imply God like abilities and that they could create everything on earth including *themselves. ... *Don't confuse that with procreation.

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16y ago

They probably used the same techniques as primitive people today. This would include:

* Striking sparks with flint and pyrite. * Found fire from lightning strikes. * Found fire from spontaneous combustion

* Friction (Rubbing a sticks on other sticks) * Fire bows (Twirling sticks on other sticks) * Compressive starters (Igniting tinder in a pneumatic ram)

The big skill they learned was how to keep it going. If lighting fires was difficult, this skill was important. Human civilization may have started from assigning some of the tribe to keep the home fires burning through wet weather and on the tribe's travels

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Homo Erectus discovered fire click on this URL to answer your question:

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11y ago

The rubbing together of sticks

Chipping flint stones to create sparks which would fall onto hair or dry grass

Striking a piece of iron pyrite with flint stone to produce sparks

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Q: Did cavemen really invent fire
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Did cavemen really discover fire?

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Cavemen started making fire about 400000 years ago.

Did cavemen invent fire?

Cavemen did not invent fire. It is believed that early humans discovered how to control and use fire around 1.5 million years ago by capturing it from natural sources like lightning or lava flows. They learned to tend and maintain fires for warmth, cooking, and protection.

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