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No, they lived, according to scriptures, in the time of the beginning of Earth and the universe. (But it is very unlikely that Adam and Eve even existed.) The estimated age of the earth is 4.54 billion years old, and the earliest ice age was 2.4 to 2.1 billion years ago, so there is a 2.14 billion year gap between the beginning of Earth (And possibly Adam and Eve,) and the earliest ice age. And the projected age of Adam and Eve is over 100 years old, so if Adam and Eve did exist, there would be no way that they could have lived during the ice age.

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Q: Did Adam and Eve live during the ice age?
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After the flood, Adam and Eve continued to live out their lives. They are believed to have passed away at an old age according to biblical accounts. Their story is seen as the beginning of humanity in many religious traditions.

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Why did God make Adam and Eve but not Adam and Steve?

Because Adam and Steve can't start the world's population! That's what Adam and Eve were created to do! Also, because homosexuality is thought of as an "abomination" in the christian faith. Homosexuality did not begin to flourish until the 1960's and was not around in the biblical age.

How old were Adam and Eve when they began a family?

The book of Genesis didn't give any information about Eve's age. It just indicated that God created her after, and from, Adam the first man. Neither did Genesis give any information about Adam's age when the couple had their first two children. But it did indicate that Adam was 130 years old when their third child, Seth, was born [5:3].

How many years did Adam and Eve live together as husband and wife?

Genesis 5:5 says that Adam lived 930 years.Eve's age is not mentioned in the Bible, but Adam had apparently lived long enough alone to get to know his garden home (Genesis 2:15), and name all the animals(Genesis 2:19, 20), before Eve came on the scene.

Did the Ice Age come before Adam and Eve?

Yes, the Ice Age is thought to have come before the lifetimes of the Biblical Adam and Eve. The Ice Age may be dated to about 12,000 B.C.E.-8,000 B.C.E. There are varying dates offered for when Adam and Eve flourished. But for the sake of the answer to this question, let's consider the famous dating by James Us[s]her [January 4, 1581-March 21, 1656]. Us[s]her pinpointed God's act of Creation as taking place the night before October 23, 4004 B.C.E. That puts Adam and Eve well out of danger from the beginning, middle, and ending of the Ice Age.

What age category would the Adam and Eve catalog be geared to?

One age category an Adam and Eve catalog would be geared towards is the senior citizen group because they are more likely to be religious. A second group would be devout Christians who connect with the teachings of the bible.

Where does it say that none of desendants will live to old age?

In the Book of Genesis in the Bible, it is stated that none of the descendants of Adam and Eve will live to be as old as before the flood. This can be found in Genesis 6:3 where God declares that the lifespan of humans will be limited to 120 years.

How old was Adam wife in the bible?

The age of Eve was never mentioned in the bible, therefore only God knows how old she was and lived to be

Adam and Eves baby?

The book of Genesis gave no information as to the month/date/year in which any of Adam's and Eve's seven or more children were born. But there's a reference to Adam's age as being 130 years old at the time of the birth of the couple's third child, Seth [5:3]. There's no indication as to Eve's age at the time.