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Q: Can coal and petroleum prepared in a laboratory by dead organisms?
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Can coal petroleum natural gas can be prepared in laboratory by dead organisms?

Yes, coal, petroleum, and natural gas are formed over millions of years from the remains of dead organisms that were buried and subjected to heat and pressure. In a laboratory setting, it is possible to simulate the conditions required for the formation of these fossil fuels, but it would not be practical to produce them on a large scale. Instead, these fossil fuels are extracted from the earth where they naturally occur.

Why is petroleum and coal called fossil fuels?

Because they are remains of organisms preserved in rocks

What is fossile fuel?

Fuel from coal and petroleum, which is believed to be of fossil origin.Fuel from coal and petroleum, which is believed to be of fossil origin.Fuel from coal and petroleum, which is believed to be of fossil origin.Fuel from coal and petroleum, which is believed to be of fossil origin.

What is fossilized?

Fuel from coal and petroleum, which is believed to be of fossil origin.Fuel from coal and petroleum, which is believed to be of fossil origin.Fuel from coal and petroleum, which is believed to be of fossil origin.Fuel from coal and petroleum, which is believed to be of fossil origin.

Why you cannot find coal and petroleum at the same location?

Coal forms from the remains of plants in swamps, while petroleum forms from the remains of marine organisms in oceans. Therefore, they are typically found in different geological settings. Additionally, the processes that create coal and petroleum occur under different conditions over varying time scales.

Why do some places in the US have deposits of coal but others have depositsofpetroleum and natural gases?

It all comes down to the geology of the area as to what is under the mountains.

How Coal and petroleum are found underground?

Coal is formed from the remains of plants and trees that were buried under layers of sediment millions of years ago. Over time, heat and pressure transformed these remains into coal. Petroleum is formed from the remains of microscopic organisms that lived in ancient seas. As these organisms died, they sank to the bottom of the sea and were buried under layers of sediment, where heat and pressure over millions of years transformed them into petroleum.

Why is petroleum or coal not used more often?

Petroleum and coal are largely used in chemical industry or as fuels.

What is stored in coal and petroleum which makes these resources very useful?

Solar energy is stored in coal and petroleum.

Both petroleum and coal are made up of complex carbonbased molecules and both originated with living creatures of some kind Both are vital sources of energy for the modern world and both were forme?

Yes, both petroleum and coal are fossil fuels formed from the remains of organisms. While coal is primarily made up of decomposed plant material, petroleum is derived from ancient marine organisms. Both are crucial sources of energy but have different uses - coal is commonly used for electricity generation and industrial processes, while petroleum is used for transportation fuels and the production of various products.

What are 7 places carbon exists?

Carbon exists in, Coal, Graphite, Diamond, Carbon dioxide, Living organisms, Minerals, Natural Gasses, and Petroleum.

What are 7 places that carbon exists?

Carbon exists in, Coal, Graphite, Diamond, Carbon dioxide, Living organisms, Minerals, Natural Gasses, and Petroleum.