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Hideki Tojo , Adolf Hitler , Benito Mussolini these were important dictators during World War 2

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Q: Why were other countries concerned about the rise of dictators during World War 2?
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What event contributed to the rise of dictators in Europe prior to world war 2?

The issue that had the biggest contribution to the rise of dictators during the 1930's was that much of the world was experiencing economic depression. Dictators rose to power promising that they would fix the economic problems in their countries.

What was the goal of dictators during world war ll?

the dictators had to fight

Which two countries fell to dictators following to world war 1?

Germany and Italy both fell to dictators in World War 1.

Why were people concerned about the dictators in the 1930s?

because they knew dictators meant trouble and could get sooo much power that they COULD take over the world possibly

Why was US concerned about European countries regaining their colonies during Monroe Doctrine?

The US was concerned about the European countries regaining their colonies during the Monroe Doctrine because they don't want to be dethroned as the world's superpower.

What did the dictator do in World War 2?

Dictators anywhere run countries ruthlessly and cruelly.

Why did the fascist dictators rise to power in some European countries in the 1930's?

The main reason for the rise of dictators in Europe and Asia during the 1930s was the fact that the dictators who were in charge at the time promised the people that the country would experience economic recovery. This was a period of time when the people were very poor and looking for a way out of poverty.

Who were two dictators that rose to power before and during world war 2?

Adolf Hitler Tojo

Which dictator threatened world peace the most?

I would't say one particular dictator but probably the puppet dictators inserted by the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. during the cold war both countries caused a lot of civil wars.

Why did people turn to dictators during World War 2?

Following the 1929 Wall Street Crash and the subsequent Great Depression, the people of some countries were unhappy with the policies of their democratic governments and started listening to extremist politicians.

What are all of the dictatorship countries in the world?

That is difficult to say as dictators come and go. The most notorious two I can think of are North Korea and Zimbabwe.

Who are some dictators of the world?

Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, and Benito Mussolini were dictators.