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Modern democracies developed primarily during the late 1700's and early 1800's, though many continue to emerge to this day (such as Egypt). The prior however were mainly due to the dissatisfaction of the populace in regards to the reigning monarchies of Europe. These revolutionaries argued that the European Monarchs stripped the common people of the most basic rights of man: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Therefore, the people rebelled, almost always violently, and established new democracies that allowed everyone (at this time however mainly land-owning white men) the chance to have a say in their government. Some of these new democracies thrived, such as the United States, while others fell under the reign of dictators, such as France.

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Q: Why were modern democracies developed?
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What idea was the theory underlying modern democracies developed to challenge?

The theory underlying Êmodern or current democracies was Êestablished to challenge the idea that those of royal birth have total authority to rule. Modern democracies countries Êallow Êeligible citizens to elect their leaders.

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These people are called representatives.

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