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cuzz he amm ii supposed 2 knoww haaa

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Q: Why was president lincoln's ten percent plan never put into effect?
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Why was lincolns assassination so surprising?

There had never been an assassination of a president before. However, it started a fad.

Did Mary todd Lincoln remarry after Lincolns death?

No. She never remarried.

Who was with Lincoln when he was assassinated?

Present at Lincolns Death was his wife, Mary Todd, Henry Rathbone and his Fiancee Clara Harris. Henry actual was hurt by Booth along with Lincoln, only it is never mentioned because the President died!his wife

How old did you have to be to run for president in the 1930s?

THe required minimum age for US president is 35 years old and has never changed since the Constitution took effect in 1787.

Where is Harry Truman's 1946 Ford?

Truman was the President when the 1946 Ford came out and did not need a car. The Presidential limos were Lincolns. After Truman left office in early 1953, he would not be likely to buy a 1946 Ford. I am suggesting that he never owned a 1946 Ford,

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Lincoln was assassinated during his presidency, so he never had any "post-presidency" activities.

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Hani never was anc president

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Martin Luther King never ran for president.

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Zachary Taylor had never voted when he ran for President.

Who was president when Franklin D. Roosevelt was vice president?

vice president for James cox James Cox was never president and FDR was never vice president

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He never was president.

Who is the vice president of Benjamin frankelin?

Ben Franklin was too old to be president, so he never had a vice-president or cabinet.