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King John was the worst king because his father Henery II had never gave him land before he died in 1216 , so the land went to his older brother Richard the Lion heart.

King john got a nick name "John Lackland"

he didnt have the 5 thing a king should be

law maker



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13y ago

He had none of the good qualities expected of a king. He was present in England a lot more than his older brother Richard, but was despised where Richard was honored.

Reasons why people despised him:

-he turned his back on his father just before he died

-he stabbed Richard in the back when he went on a crusade and got captured

-he married out of lust

-he was rumored to have killed his own nephew Arthur of Brittany

-he lost great parts of the Angevins' territories in France

-he offended the nobles and was forced to sign the Magna Charta

-he quarreled with the church, which caused England to be placed under an interdict by the pope

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