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Q: Why was it difficult for the Spaniards to colonize mindanao?
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Why did the Spaniards fail to colonize the whole Mindanao?

Because they fight against the Spaniards.

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The first to colonize Jamaica is the Spaniards

What is the tool used by the Spaniards to colonize the Philippines?

The cross and sword

Why did the Spaniards not colonize the igorots and Muslims?

It is because of their bravery and desire to defend their way of life is the reason why they successfully thwarted attempts by the Spaniards to subjugate them.

Did Spain colonize the Philippines?

Spain wanted to colonize the Philippines for three colonize as many lands as possible to make itself the most powerful empire in the gain access to spices in spread the Roman Catholic religion to many countries as possible.

How did the Spaniards colonize the Philippines despite their inferior number?

Spaniards made a pact with the Sultan of Manila which started the colonization and only after various pacts with other Sultans did colonization by war started (with the help of the Sultans).

Why do Spaniards call the Filipinos lazy when they colonize Philippines?

This is due to racism and the master-slave mentality in that era rather than facts.

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What is the root of the word Mindanao?

danao is the root of mindanao cotabato is the root of mindanao

What are the 3 reasons why Spaniards colonize Philippines?

The spanish empire failed invading philippines because Philippines is so awesome that the spanish failed to invade it. No jk, asians are awesome thats why.. TROLOLOLOL

Where is the Mindanao trench?

actually..base on my own common sense,mindanao trench is found in mindanao.........

When was Mindanao Standard created?

The Mindanao Standard was established in 2010.