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The French people had been worn down by the Reign of Terror and the self serving attitude of their new government. They were ready for another change and they elected to place their hopes into the hands of someone believed to be strong, caring, anti royalist and free of the Jacobin influences. A prominent military leader seemed appropriate at the moment.

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Q: Why was dictatorship allowed to occur again after the French Revolution?
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Why did the french revolution get called its name?

the origin of the word "revolution" stem from the latin "volvere", to roll (think revolve) = prefix "re" meaning again. This is a new start. As it took place in France, that was the French revolution. QOD:)

What happened to ideas about freedom and independence during the french revolution?

Is that people believed in the French Revolution . They think that everyone should have the same balance of power

Did the disorder and chaos of the French Revolution help bring Napoleon to power?

Absolutely. The citizens were ready for change once again.

For you how significant is the 1986 edsa revolution?

The 1986 EDSA revolution is very significant to all Filipinos. It was the means to end the dictatorship of former president Marcos and his wife Imelda. After the peaceful revolution and the installation of the next president (Corazon Aquino), the democratic institutions of government were reinstalled i. e. an independent Supreme Court and Congress. Also, after the revolution, the press and speech is free again. All thanks to the revolution.

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Jefferson, who had served as foreign minister to France, believed that the United States should help the French in their revolution again the tyrannical King Louis. He believed that we should support the efforts of French citizens whose cause was similar to ours. Jefferson was instrumental in helping with the ideas that became the French Declaration of the Rights of Man.

What is the root word of Revolution?

Revolution derives from the Latin words "re", meaning back or again, and "volvere" meaning to roll. It seems to have been originally used to describe the motion of the planets around the sun, as the planets move round the sun again and again. The use of the word to mean a major political upheaval probably dates from the 15th Century and was especially used to describe the removal of King James II of England - "The Glorious Revolution" - and of course the overthrow of the French Monarchy - "The French Revolution", and the winning of America's independence from Britain - "The American Revolution."

What type pf government did France have before the revolution?

Which revolution? They had an absolute monarchy, then a limited monarchy, then a Republic, then a Directorate, then a Consulate, then an Empire, then a limited monarchy, then the Empire again for three months, then the limited monarchy again, then an absolute monarchy, then a constitutional monarchy with a King from a different family, then a second Republic, then the Empire back again, then the Third Republic, then (during WW2) a puppet dictatorship, then a Fourth Republic, then a Fifth. Who knows if that's the end of the stoiry?

How to say again in french?

again = encore If you mean - again - then it's 'encore'.

The French Directory was overthrown in 1799 by a military officer named?

Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew the French Directorie (the French government) in 1799; he had been active in the French Revolution and its associated wars. Calling himself Napoleon I, he was Emperor of the French from 1804 until 1814, and again in 1815.

Why did Mao Zedong believed permanent revolution was necessary?

Because he believed that once the revolutionary process would come to a halt, the 'forces of revisionism' would again take over and return society to a capitalist state. History has proven him right as far as China is concerned. On the other hand, his revolution was in fact a reign of terror and his brand of Communism a Dictatorship, responsible for millions of dead.

Why did Mao believe permanent revolution was necessary?

Because he believed that once the revolutionary process would come to a halt, the 'forces of revisionism' would again take over and return society to a capitalist state. History has proven him right as far as China is concerned. On the other hand, his revolution was in fact a reign of terror and his brand of Communism a Dictatorship, responsible for millions of dead.

What is each revolution's revolution?

ahh man nothing again ...i wrote on this yuvia