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Until near the end, it was more of a house arrest. Elizabeth moved Mary to the Tower after allegations of Mary's involvement in a plot to assasinate her.

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Q: Why was Queen Elizabeth 1 put in prison by Mary?
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How did elizabeth 1st punish people?

queen elizabeth punished people by giving them fines or put them in prison

Why did Elizabeth I put her sister in jail?

Neither Elizabeth I or II put a sister in jail. I wonder if you are thinking of the imprisonment of Mary Queen of Scots by Elizabeth I ...

Why was queen Elizabeth 1st put in jail?

Queen Elizabeth I (1533 - 1603) was locked up in the Tower of London in March 1554 for 8 weeks, (when she was still Princess Elizabeth) on the orders of her half sister, Mary I (1516 - 1558). Mary was suspicious of Elizabeth and thought she might be the inspiration for plots against her. When Mary I died in 1558, Elizabeth became Queen.

Why did Mary I hate Elizabeth I?

because she, and the catholics of England and Spain believed that Elizabeth was an illegitimate queen. they wanted a catholic queen and because Elizabeth was protestant, the easiest way to have a catholic country was to kill Elizabeth and make Mary queen.

Why was it important for queen elizabteth to kill mary queen of scots?

She was the next in line for the throne of England and as a Catholic, was the center of Catholic plots to overthrow Elizabeth and Put Mary on the throne. As long as Mary was alive, she was a threat to Elizabeth's reign. With Mary dead, her son King James VI of Scotland would be heir to the throne. James was a Protestant so there would be no advantage to the Catholic factions to kill Elizabeth once Mary was dead.

What age was Elizabeth first put as Queen?

Elizabeth 1st became queen when she was 25.

Why was elizabeth put in the Tower of London?

Elizabeth was put there by her sister Mary , who was Queen at the time. Mary had a very bad relationship with Elizabeth ever since she had been born. When Mary came into power she now had the ability to get rid of Elizabeth. It's a shock she was not executed but Mary died before she had the chance to have the princess killed.

When did Queen Elizabeth I become queen?

Elizabeth I ascended the throne on November 17, 1558, at the age of 25. She inherited the throne of England from her half-sister, Queen Mary I.She became Queen when Mary died and remained in power until her death on March 24, 1603.Despite some dangerous moments whilst she was Princess Elizabeth, including being put in the Tower of London by order of her sister, Mary I; when Mary died, Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth I on 17 November 1558. Her coronation took place in Westminster Abbey, London, on 15 January 1559. She reigned for 45 years and died on 24 March 1603. As she died without issue, she was succeeded by a cousin, James VI of Scotland, son of Mary Queen of Scots. He became James I of England. Both James and Elizabeth were descended from the first Tudor king, Henry VII.elizabeth became queen in 1558 after the death of queen MaryNovember 17th, 1558 on the death of her half-sister Mary I

Did elizabeth 1 execute Mary 1?

This never happened. Mary, Queen of Scots was involved in various plans to unseat Elizabeth th9ough not necessarily do her personal violence. She ws sympathetic to the Spanish King (Philip something, a relative) parlty-functional amphibious assault on Elizabethan England known as the Spanish Armada. The assualt plan failed largely due to weather and superior seamanship of the British. She did not consciously attempt to assasinate Elizabeth that was just not done! as it was the lost battle ended asny designs on the Spanish side. Mary I died in l558 before all this, she ws Elizabeth"s half sister by Henry Viii and Catherine of Aragon. Mary I (Bloody Mary) was half Spanish. I think you've got your Marys mixed up. Mary Queen of Scots was the daughter of King James V and Mary of Guise. Elizabeth's half sister Mary was the daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, and it was she who was Queen Mary I of England There were 2 plots to put Mary Queen of Scots who was Catholic on the English throne. The Spanish had wanted a say in English affairs but Elizabeth, a Protestant, had previously refused marriage proposals from King Phillip II of Spain (Catholic), so a plot was formed to invade England, depose Elizabeth and have Mary Stuart as Queen. The plan failed. The second plan is known as The Babbington Plot. It's in this that Mary implicated herself with letters she had written to Anthony Babbington who along with others was plotting to have Elizabeth assassinated.

What caused Queen Elizabeth's and queen Mary's bad relationship?

What caused their bad relationship was that Queen Mary was mistreated. And when she found out that Elizabeth was in her country she was scared she would try to overthrow her. So she imprisoned her ( where Elizabeth's mother died) and Elizabeth was deathly afraid of the castle. ( where her mother was killed) Most likely causing their bad relationship. The only thing that tied them together was that their parents did not give them enough attention. Elizabeth's mother was beheaded when she was 2 1/2.And Mary was mistreated and put on and off power wwwaaaayyy to many times and was ignored for most of her teen years.

Why did Mary imprison her sister Queen Elizabeth?

Elizabeth was the third in line for the throne after Henry VIII's death. She was a protestant heir to the throne and Mary who was the Catholic monarch before her was afraid that she would attempt to over throw her and place herself on the throne as a Protestant Queen. Mary imprisoned Elizabeth in 1554 because she was thought to have been involved in a Protestant plot against Mary that was lead by Sir Thomas Wyatt. She was released a short time later, I believe it was 8 weeks later, with no charge but was placed under house arrest.

Why did Elizabeth 1 not like her sister Mary?

Mary Queen of Scots had been deposed and fled Scotland, going to England seeking shelter. Since she had always claimed that Elizabeth I was illegitimate and that she, Mary, was the rightful queen, Elizabeth told her she had to give up that idea if she wanted protection. Mary refused, so Elizabeth had her put in confinement. Mary was imprisoned for 19 years, but finally was implicated in plots to overthrow Elizabeth. Parliament insisted that Mary be executed, and Elizabeth complied. Whether Mary was actually guilty of plotting we will never know. Nor will we know whether Elizabeth was actually reluctant to have her executed, as it is claimed.