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It means more opportunites for one's voice to be heard.

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Q: Why is it important for citizens in a democracy to have more than one way to participate in government and politics?
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What makes a republic different from a democracy-?

Citizens are expected to participate more actively in a democracy. in a republic, citizens do not participate as directly.

How many citizens participate in a democracy government?


Do citizens participate in government's decision making?

Indirectly citizens participate in government by elections and by lobbying their representatives (congressmen in the USA). Not every country has democratic government that permits such participation. which is also kown as a direct democracy.

What kind of government allows all citizens to participate directly?

A direct democracy.

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Democracy allowed the citizens to participate in government.

Why would democracy suffer if citizens didnt participate?

a democracy is a government based on the descitions of the citizens, if no one participates then they would suffer of indecition.

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Democracy is the type of government where citizens are expected to participate in decision making.

What were two key reforms that helped the growth of the democracy in Athens?

There's direct democracy, which is a political system in which citizens participate directly in government decision making; then there's representative democracy, in which the citizens elect others to represent them In government

What type of government give citizens the power to rule and make law?

A political system that allows the citizens to participate in political decision-making, or to elect representatives to government bodies is usually called a democracy; which has been defined as " government of the people, by the people, for the people". Constituents

How did development of democracy in Athens affect the lived of ordinary citizens?

For the first time, ordinary citizens could participate directly in government.

Is voting bad?

Voting is good. It is a means by which citizens participate in a democracy. If citizens do not participate in a democracy, then there will be no democracy, and the alternative is some form of autocracy, and that generally does not work out well.

System of government in which citizens have the right to vote and choose their leaders?

This system is known as a democracy, where citizens have the power to participate in the decision-making process by voting in elections. In a democracy, leaders are chosen through free and fair elections, and the government is accountable to the people.