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If you don't have people who can think for themselves, there is no point in having a democracy.

Democracy depends on having people who can think for themselves rather than believing..

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Q: Why free -thinkers are important to democracy?
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Free and fair elections are important to a democracy because such elections?

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cause you are stupid

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In a democracy, the vote of the people guides the policy of the government. If the people are not informed of the truth, they cannot vote rationally. If the press is not free, the rulers determine whether the press publishes the truth or Propaganda.

What did enlightenment thinkers emphasize?

Rational thinking

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Enlightenment thinkers stressed the importance of reason, science, individual rights, and the pursuit of knowledge and progress. They believed in challenging traditional authority and promoting equality, liberty, and democracy.

Why is free press important to a democracy?

Without the free press the political system can do what they want without oversight. Pay attention to the news today and watch the free press at work.

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Without the free press the political system can do what they want without oversight. Pay attention to the news today and watch the free press at work.

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The Enlightenment movement reinforced important attitudes in the development of democracy through its emphasis on humanism, confidence in human potential, and the worth and dignity of the individual. Enlightenment thinkers believed in the power of reason, science, and individual rights, which influenced the development of democratic principles and institutions.

What was the belief in the enlightenment thinkers?

Enlightenment thinkers believed in reason, science, and individual liberty as fundamental principles for progress and social development. They emphasized the importance of challenging traditional authority and promoting the ideas of equality, democracy, and human rights.