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Most countries get fooled into allowing people to become their leaders or the fascist leaders merely take over a nation. This happened in both Italy and Germany in the 1920s and 1930s. They had a socialist government in Germany. The NAZI party managed to get Hitler put into the government by getting him elected as the Chancellor (he was like a vice president). When the leader Germany, Hindenburg, died Hitler moved right into his position. The government slowly went to being a fascist Dictatorship with totalitarianism and ridiculous oppression. In Italy the people like Benito Mussolini at the beginning. After he showed his true colors and allied with Hitler the people were very upset. They did manage to nab him, execute him and some other leaders. They were able to begin a new government. The allies helped them to drive out the Nazis.

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Fascist countries become so after the fascist leader is instated. THey are not fascist beforehand and do not choose a leader such as that.

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Facism is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism. People support fascism because it is meant to unify a nation and promote the mass mobilization of national community.

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Q: Why do fascist countries choose fascist leaders?
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