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Multiparty means that the political system has several groups writing laws and running the government. The only way to get anything done is to have a coalition and compromise because without that the people's business doesn't get done. We have a good example in our own government of what happens when political parties stalemate and block doing the needed work. Literally nothing gets done and the citizenry suffers from the partisan political process.

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Q: Why do countries with multiiparty systems often have coalition governments?
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Why do countries with multiparty systems have coalition governments?

One party rarely wins a majority of votes.

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no one party has a majority of seats in the legislature.

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A multi-party political system is characterized by the presence of multiple political parties that compete for power and representation. This system allows for greater diversity of opinions and ideologies, fosters debate and compromise, and can lead to more nuanced representation of societal interests. Multi-party systems are often associated with coalition governments and proportional representation electoral systems.

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