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since they were not soliders

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Q: Why didn't woman have political rights within the feudal system?
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Is feudal system fair?

The feudal system is not considered to be a fair system because of its bias toward the wealthier classes of people within the system. The lower the class of person, the less likely he would be to own property.

Is part of the study of political science and focuses on the rights and responsibilities of the people within a country.?

The study of political science that focuses on the rights and responsibilities of citizens within a country is known as political theory or political philosophy. It deals with concepts such as democracy, justice, freedom, and citizenship, examining the underlying principles and values that guide political systems and behavior.

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Citizens rights and responsibilities- political, legal and human rights that can change from being in the United Kingdom or within the EU, UN etc.

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The daimyo class was the middle class in the Japanese feudal system. The shoguns were above and the peasants were below.

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The four basic rights on the private enterprise system are:Private propertyCompetitionProfitsFreedom of choice

What are basic rights within a private enterprise system?

The four basic rights on the private enterprise system are:Private propertyCompetitionProfitsFreedom of choice

What are the Four basic rights within a private enterprise system?

The four basic rights on the private enterprise system are:Private propertyCompetitionProfitsFreedom of choice

Was there social mobility in the feudal system?

Social mobility in the feudal system was limited. Typically, individuals were born into a particular social class and had little opportunity to move between classes. However, in some cases, exceptional individuals could rise in status through military prowess or service to a lord.

Who collected taxes in the feudal system?

In the feudal system, taxes were collected by the lords or nobility from the peasants who worked the land. The peasants were required to provide goods or services in exchange for the protection and use of the land. Each lord had the authority to establish and collect taxes within their own domain.

A political and economics systems of the middle ages?

The political and economic system usually named for a question like this is feudalism. The facts are a bit more complicated, because people disagree on precisely what feudalism was. Also, there were political and economic systems that were certainly not feudal by any definition of the word, the Italian republican city states such as Venice, Genoa, and Florence being examples. There were also medieval communes within kingdoms and empire, and these were typically republican in form and under the control of local guilds.

Under the feudal system how were soldiers and samurai rewarded?

Under the feudal system, soldiers and samurai were rewarded through the allocation of land known as "fiefs" or "manors." These land grants provided them with a source of income in the form of agricultural production, and in return, they were expected to provide military service to their lords. Additionally, they were given privileges and social status within the feudal hierarchy.

Place each pilgrim within one of these three groups that comprised medieval society the feudal system related to the land the church and the city merchants and professionals?
