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They saw it as a potential base for a Spanish invasion.

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Q: Why did the Tudor monarchs want to control Ireland?
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Why did Mary Tudor want to control Ireland?

She wanted to rule more land

Why did Tudor monarchs want to get married?

to produce a son as heir to the throne

What was the conflict between England and Ireland about please keep it simple?

The English wanted Ireland to be under its control. Ireland didn't want to be under control.

Which Tudor monarchs had the most husbands and wives?

Henry the 8th

Who believed that monarchs should be thought of as a parent with nearly absolute control?

Mr. Santopadre would want you to look in the book.

What was a goal of irish nationalists?

In the year 1155 the Catholic church issued a Papal letter declaring that Ireland was a possession of England. That plus other events resulted in English monarchs having control over Ireland. This control was not matched by any responsibilities for the well being of Ireland. Over the centuries this proved disastrous for Ireland. The main aim of Irish Nationalists was to recover their own country from the British. Their aim was only partially achieved because there were just too many people in the north of Ireland who did not want to change. To avoid a long and protracted civil war 6 counties remained as a province of Britain (i.e. Northern Ireland) and the main bulk of the geographical area became the Republic of Ireland. The change took place during the first half of the 20th Century and remains the same today

Why did European monarchs fear the example set by the US?

The monarchs were afraid the thought of having a seemingly completely free democracy would spread, taking away the little control they had; they also didn't want another revolution, as it results in changing the authority, in their case, the monarchy.

What is a Tudor?

the spit is something that the tudors used to cook there food the spit was usually given to a tudor child you really wouldn't want to be a child in tudor times

Why did the monarchs of 16th century Britain want everyone to be the same religion?

They wanted Britain to be the same religion so the country will be easier to control and there will be less arguments about religion and rules.

What is a Tudor spit?

the spit is something that the tudors used to cook there food the spit was usually given to a tudor child you really wouldn't want to be a child in tudor times

Is it true that sinn fein was an organization committed to English rule?

No. They want a united Ireland and no involvement of British rule in Ireland.No. They want a united Ireland and no involvement of British rule in Ireland.No. They want a united Ireland and no involvement of British rule in Ireland.No. They want a united Ireland and no involvement of British rule in Ireland.No. They want a united Ireland and no involvement of British rule in Ireland.No. They want a united Ireland and no involvement of British rule in Ireland.No. They want a united Ireland and no involvement of British rule in Ireland.No. They want a united Ireland and no involvement of British rule in Ireland.No. They want a united Ireland and no involvement of British rule in Ireland.No. They want a united Ireland and no involvement of British rule in Ireland.No. They want a united Ireland and no involvement of British rule in Ireland.

What is it like to be a Tudor king?

If you were a Tudor king you would get spoilt no matter what. You could eat all you want drink all you want and kill who you want! U would be a bit stuck up too.