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Natives rebelled mostly because they felt they were being oppressed or forced to do hard labor without pay. They also rebelled because colonial rulers took their lands by force and enslaved some members of the community.

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Q: Why did native populations rebel against imperialism nations?
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Explain imperialism from persective of the colonizers and the colonized?

From the perspective of the colonizers, imperialism was a way to expand power, resources, and influence over other territories for economic, political, and strategic gains. They believed they were bringing progress and civilization to less developed nations. From the perspective of the colonized, imperialism meant the loss of their independence and freedom, exploitation of their resources and labor, and degradation of their culture and way of life. It often resulted in violence, oppression, and economic hardships for the native populations.

What effect did imperialism have on the economic life of the lands and people colonized by the European imperialists?

Imperialism exploited the labor and natural resources of the native, indigenous people and continues to have a lasting impact upon the colonized nations today

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Gandhi defied British Imperialism, first in South Africa, and then in his native India for most of his adult life.

What effect did imperialism have on the economic life of the land and people colonized by the imperialists?

Imperialism exploited the labor and natural resources of the native, indigenous people and continues to have a lasting impact upon the colonized nations today

What effects did imperialism have on the economic life of the lands and people colonized by the European imperialist?

Imperialism exploited the labor and natural resources of the native, indigenous people and continues to have a lasting impact upon the colonized nations today

Why was western imperialism so successful?

Imperialism was successful starting in the 1500's to the middle part of the 20th century because the industrialized nations of Europe, including the Soviet Union, had the military forces to control the populations that occupied the regions they colonized. The Colonization was also successful because these nations had the money necessary to bribe any native leaders in these colonized nations. The persistence of the imperialists continued as long as it did because the natural resources of the nations controlled by, for the most part, European nations, funded the occupation and still sent wealth to the home countries of the the aggressors. As the USA gained strength, it became part of this imperialist movement although the USA was a "come lately" party in this. It is recognized that imperialism does not need to mean colonialism. With force or the threat of force, Western nations could control the behavior of less powerful nations. Again, to a certain extent bribery or the inferred bribery of the local leaders was a big plus in the success of imperialism. it should also be recognized that Asian nations such as Japan can also fit into the category of imperialism. In Japan's case, force was the primary weapon used.

Why are First Nations called 'First Nations'?

"First Nations" is a term used in Canada to refer to the remaining native populations, those called "Native Americans" in the US. They were actually also the first people to come and settle here. "first Nations" The term "First Nations" is used because these people are now treated as members of "nations," somewhat similarly to the status of Anglophone and Francophone peoples descended from Europeans, and because they represent those who were on the land "first" - before the European migration to America.

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For the French in New France they were saviours. They were sent to fight against the first nations, but not a single native American was found shot by them - in fact they did not meet a single one, as the tribes that had fought against the white invaders of their land by that point in history had died from smallpox.

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I don't know about the hands exclusively but native populations of the various African nations eat gorillas and chimpanzees, reguardless that both are endangered species and are protected by law.

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The nations of Europe had industrialized, and had developed technologies for weapons and transportation that far exceeded those of the native populations.

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The native populations of Samoa, Tonga, and Tahiti, and their descendants living elsewhere, are some of the many island populations considered to be Polynesian.

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The European nations divided Africa into colonies based on artificial regions, ignoring the ethnic and tribal divisions that had existed. This caused conflicts between native populations, as well as with their colonial governments.