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Stalin had Russian peasants form collective farms in order to


spread communism.


improve food imports.


improve food production.


give more control to the farmers.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

to increase surplus supplies of crops in rural areas, by combining large farms together

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Stalin didnt introduce socialism anywhere(unless shoving it don't the eastern blocs throats counts) look up lenin for that

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βˆ™ 11y ago

He made a profitable deal with a large agricultural equipment company

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βˆ™ 12y ago

-To solve food shortages - grain production level would increase

-To raise the money for industrialization - grain surpluses could be sold abroad

-To destroy political rivals

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βˆ™ 12y ago

It was introduced because people were to0 poor to afford anything and were all homeless and depresed

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Free peasants to work in factories

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Q: Why Stalin introduce Collectivisation?
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What year did Stalin introduce collectivisation?

1928- This was also the year he introduced the first Five Year Plan. If you want more rough BACKGROUND information look it up on Wikipedia, but don't rely on it as a source in an assignment etc, because remember it ISN'T RELIABLE...

What kinds of qualities did Stalin's rule in Russia emphasize?

Atheism was a major quality Stalin emphasized. He also supported equality and socialism. Meaning everyone should be of the same wealth. This was show-cased in Stalin's collectivisation policy.

What economic changes did Joseph Stalin make to the Soviet Union Be specific?

The greatest changes that Stalin made to Leninism were in the collectivisation of agriculture, the Five Year Plans and in changing in foreign policy doctrine

How many did Stalin kill in the 1930's?

Exact Figures are unknown due to unreliable statistics. It also depends what is meant by Stalin 'killing' - do you mean directly and/or indirectly? as he killed many during his Purges, but killed many more through his domestic policies of Collectivisation, etc.

What was the collectivisation policy?

It was a policy in Soviet Russia, created by the dictator Joseph Stalin. He believed that if there were only collectively-owned farms, more food would be produced. It turned out to be very unpopular with the peasants, who liked to farm their own land.

Why did people suffer under Joseph Stalin's rule?

People suffered because of Stalin's ruthless punishments. Stalin held mass executions and had hard labor camps for various reasons including: -If you were Jewish -If you were a Kulak who refused to cooperate with collectivisation -If you expressed opposition to his regime in any way. -If you fell into German controlled USSR territory during WW2 and supported or helped the German military in any way. -If you were a Soviet soldier who surrenderred.

Who developed a policy that forced peasants to put their land and animals into satate-owned collective farms?

Josef Stalin - 20 million Russians died in the collectivisation. And 50 million Chinese died in a similar move by Mao Ze Dong in China. Dwarfs the Holocaust few million, doesn't it?

What was Stalin's main goal?

Stalin's main goal was to transform the USSR from a backward nation to a nation who could overtake the advanced countries. He said that Russia was backward in terms of its military, industry and agriculture and may be beaten and enslaved if she did not become powerful. Stalin's main efforts were across three different areas. Firstly, the Five Year Plans sought to transform industry, secondly collectivisation and the transformation of agriculture and finally Stalin wanted to take control over the Russian people, he did this through the Purges and mass propaganda.

What economic policies was Stalin known for?

Stalin followed the policies that: -Religion was not necessary and largely dounounced. -Harsh punishment solved issues. -Rebellion was intolerable and any threats were to be eliminated. -Industrialization

3 ways individuals in the soviet union suffer under Stalin?

There were many ways in which the Soviet Union suffered under Stalin's reign. Three major examples of this include the punishment Stalin would place on communists when they would deviate from his political views or commit espionage; the famine he brought on the people of the Soviet Union in an attempt to further his own political goals; and forced labor camps that he made the Soviet citizens live in.

What does collectivisation have to do with Stalin?

"Collectivization" is an agricultural economic policy that Joseph Stalin instituted in the late 1920s to stimulate grain production and stop grain hoarding. The idea was to combine, or collect, as many small individual farms that had been permitted under Lenin's New Economic Policy into larger ones called collectives. There were two kinds of collectives, kolkhozes and sovkhozes. In a kolkhoz, the farmers rented the land from the government and worked it according to their own methods provided they met their quotas. Sovkhozes were owned by the state and the farmers were like wage employees who had no say in how the collective farm was run. Stalin imposed it by force and violence.