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to spread religion

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Q: Why did European monarchs send out explorers?
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Why were strong monarchs important to European explorers?

because monarchies had the most power out of the all the groups

First European nation to send explorers around the west coast of Africa?

First European nation to send explorers around the west coast of africa? He does that to every question he see's^ But the answer is: The Portuguese.

Where were the European explorers searching for when they began exploration?

European explorers were searching for new trade routes to Asia, specifically for valuable spices and other goods. They were also looking for new lands to claim in the name of their monarchs and to spread Christianity.

First European nation to send explorers around west coast of Africa?

Portugal (The Portuguese)

What 2 European nations were the first to send explorers into the world?

The Scandanavuans (10th Century) and Portugal (14th Century).

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Why do monarchs send people to the pit?

They are bad. Sometimes the monarchs are mean or evil.

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Who European explorers?

european explorers, the european explorers were explorers from Europe which comes in the word euopean, explores were people who explored and sailed on ships to find either new land or a way to trade

Who were European explorers?

european explorers, the european explorers were explorers from europe which comes in the word euopean, explores were people who explored and sailed on ships to find either new land or a way to trade

Why did European countries sead explorers to north America?

They didn’t send them to North America. They didn’t know it was there, but they were looking for a route to Asia.

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how did the lateen sail help the european explorers