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Military regimes are known for being incredibly well-organized and regimented. This leads to quicker developments in policy and coherence between the various implemented policy. Obstructionism, which occurs often in democratic or republican regimes, does not exist in military states. Finally, domestic security often rises since the military take an active role in maintaining civil security.

Of course, the negatives of military rule far outweigh these positives. The internal disputes in democratic and republican systems generally lead to a refining of policies and lessened security in these societies is usually a boon to human rights and personal freedom.

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8y ago

In theory, a military regime would serve the purpose of using the military power of a nation to protect itself in time of war or major internal crisis. Ancient Roman saw the value in this and appointed "dictators" for a limited period of time to conduct a war for Rome. In today's world, under the watch of the entire world, even a limited duration of a military regime would seem too large a risk to take. The military may not return control of its powers to a civilian government.

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