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Q: Why are clouds form at the top of the troposphere made of ice crystals rather the drops of water?
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Why are clouds of the top of the troposphere made of ice crystals rather than drops of water?

It is very cold up there, and water droplets freeze into ice.

Why are clouds at the top of the troposphere made of ice crystals rather than water drops?

It is very cold up there, and water droplets freeze into ice.

Why are clouds at the top the troposphere made of ice crystals rather than drops of water?

It is very cold up there, and water droplets freeze into ice.

Why are clouds at the top of the troposphere made of ice crystals rather than drops of water?

It is very cold up there, and water droplets freeze into ice.

Why are the clouds that form at the top of the troposphere made of ice crystals rather than drops of water?

Because it is very cold and the water turns into ice crystals. So that is why water droplets turn into ice crystals

Why are clouds at the top of the troposphere made of ice rather than drops of water?

It is very cold up there, and water droplets freeze into ice.

What type of cloud is at the top of the troposphere?

Cirrus clouds are commonly found at the top of the troposphere. They are thin and wispy in appearance, formed by ice crystals and often indicate fair weather or the approach of a change in the weather.

Why are clouds made of ice crystals rather than drops of water?

Clouds at high altitudes are cold enough for water vapor to freeze into ice crystals. The ice crystals can grow as they collide and stick together in the cloud, forming larger ice particles. In contrast, clouds at lower altitudes are warmer and tend to contain water droplets instead of ice crystals.

What are high clouds made of ice crystals is called?


What are clouds like?

A cloud is made up of liquid drops or crystals of frozen water suspended in the atmosphere

Why are clouds that form at the top of the troposphere made of ice crystals rather than drops of water?

Clouds at the top of the troposphere are cold enough for water vapor to freeze into ice crystals since temperatures decrease with altitude. Additionally, the low air pressure at higher altitudes helps support the formation of ice crystals in clouds instead of water droplets.

When are clouds formed by ice crystals instead of drops of water?

When the dew point is below freezing, the liquid water may change directly into ice crystals.