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It depends on who you ask, its mostly Republicans and Libertarians (basically conservatives), but most people in the US like the system of health in Europe.

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Q: Why Americans don't like European and Canada Government health care?
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What are some good things about Canada that US does not have?

"Medicare" -- Universal Government Health Insurance -- is the best thing about Canada.

What is an example of a socialist country in which only certain industries health care and communications are owned by the government?

Canada has universal healthcare that is run by the government.

Is there CDC in Canada?

If you mean the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, then no. That is an agency of the US Government, and has no jurisdiction in Canada.The Public Health Agency of Canada, and its parent ministry (Health Canada) are responsible for maintaining the health of the people of Canada.

Who started the company OHS for the government?

The company OHS was started by the Health department of the government. OHS governs over occupational health and safety related activities in countries like USA, UK, Australia and Canada.

Are international healthcare jobs beneficial?

They are not as beneficial as American health-care jobs since health care is free or very cheap in most other European and Asian countries. Same for Canada.

When was Health Canada created?

Health Canada was created in 1996.

Why is health care in Canada free?

No, healthcare is not free in Canada. It is paid for through taxes. However, it IS free at the point of delivery.

What is the difference between the US' health care system and Canada's health care system?

Here in America, we work for and buy our health care policies with minimal aid from our government if were eligible. In Canada the government pays for health care coverage for all citizens using tax revenues. Private insurance is not allowed to duplicate coverage through the universal system but can be used to cover things such as cosmetic surgery and dental.

What differences make Canada different from US?

Government mainly, we have provinces they have states, their population approx 350 million, Canada approx, 32million. Climate. Health Care. Crime.