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Q: Who were the top political leaders of the countries involved and how were they viewed inside and outside their country?
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What Countries involved and each country's leader?

The Cuban Missile Crisis- Countries and Leaders. Country 1; Cuba Leader; Fidel Castro Country 2; USA Leader; John F. Kennedy County 3; USSR Leader; Nikita Khroshchev

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Which gulf war? There were three.

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Political leaders look at the unemployment rates of other countries as part of a comparative study. Every leader wants to know that they are doing better than others.

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The political system of a country determines how leaders are chosen, laws are made, and power is distributed among government institutions.

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Who did Cleopatra have relashionships with?

We are only certain of two men that Cleopatra had sexual relationships with and they were Julius Caesar and Marc Antony. She had political relationships with all the leaders of the countries surrounding Egypt.We are only certain of two men that Cleopatra had sexual relationships with and they were Julius Caesar and Marc Antony. She had political relationships with all the leaders of the countries surrounding Egypt.We are only certain of two men that Cleopatra had sexual relationships with and they were Julius Caesar and Marc Antony. She had political relationships with all the leaders of the countries surrounding Egypt.We are only certain of two men that Cleopatra had sexual relationships with and they were Julius Caesar and Marc Antony. She had political relationships with all the leaders of the countries surrounding Egypt.We are only certain of two men that Cleopatra had sexual relationships with and they were Julius Caesar and Marc Antony. She had political relationships with all the leaders of the countries surrounding Egypt.We are only certain of two men that Cleopatra had sexual relationships with and they were Julius Caesar and Marc Antony. She had political relationships with all the leaders of the countries surrounding Egypt.We are only certain of two men that Cleopatra had sexual relationships with and they were Julius Caesar and Marc Antony. She had political relationships with all the leaders of the countries surrounding Egypt.We are only certain of two men that Cleopatra had sexual relationships with and they were Julius Caesar and Marc Antony. She had political relationships with all the leaders of the countries surrounding Egypt.We are only certain of two men that Cleopatra had sexual relationships with and they were Julius Caesar and Marc Antony. She had political relationships with all the leaders of the countries surrounding Egypt.

What historical era involved close ties between the police and local leaders of government?

The Political Era