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Native American Indians were not allowed to vote in the United States until 1924. The passing of the Indian Citizenship Act finally recognized that Native American Indians were citizens and granted them the same rights as all other citizens.

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I think in the 1920's only adult male who paid taxes were allowed to vote

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Q: Who were the only people allowed to vote in the 1920s?
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What year were people allowed to vote?

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The only significant change for women in the 1920s was?

The right to vote

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1 person

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White Men

Which American were prohibited from voting in most states before the 1800?

The only people who were actually allowed to vote before the 1800s were adult white men who owned land. So women, children, non-whites, and even white non-land owners were not allowed to vote.

Why only rich people are allowed to vote?

Not sure what country you are in. But in the free western world, all citizens are entitled to vote.

What group of people were permitted vote in colonial electional?

Only white adult males who were property owners were allowed to vote.

Who were the only people allowed to vote when the constitution was approved?

Adult white men with property

Did most of the African American voters in the north cast their votes for republicans in the 1920s?

African Americans were not even allowed to vote during the 1920s, they could not vote until the 1960s, I know this is hard to believe, but you will find that in the history books.

Why couldn't women vote in Athens?

Woman couldnt vote in Athens because, only people with land can vote. Woman couldnt own land, thus, not being allowed to vote :)

What rights did women have in America in 1930s?

they were allowed to vote

What is it called when people are allowed to vote?

im only young so i may not be right i think its democracy