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Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were king and queen in the Victorian era

Prince Albert was not a king, there was no king at that time. Victoria was the heir to the throne and ruling Queen. Because of the rules of nobility a king outranks a queen, so Albert was officially declared to be the Prince Consort, a title with no real duties or privileges.

Albert (Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emmanuel) was nobility, 2nd son of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, a German Duchy.

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14y ago

Queen Victoria, which is why the period is referred to as "Victorian times".

She was not, of course, Queen of England, there has not been one of those since 1707.

Victoria was Queen of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

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9y ago

Queen Victoria and her husband Albert were in the royal family in Victorian times. Queen Victoria ruled from 1837 until her death in 1901.

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Q: Who was the queen and king in the Victorian era?
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Victorian era

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The only monarch in the Victorian era was Queen Victoria, which is why it is the Victorian era.

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Yes, The Victorian era was 1837-1901 and the Edwardian era was 1901-1910 Because the Victorian era is named after Queen Victoria, and the Edwardian after her son who came to the throne on her death

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it is the era of the reign of queen victoria

Why was the era called the Victorian era?

Because Victoria was the queen.

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Monarchy, the Victorian period or era was named after the Queen of this period. The queen was Queen Victoria.

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Yes, by definition.

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Queen Victoria, for whom the Victorian era was named.

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No king reigned in Victorian times since the term refers to the reign of Queen Victoria. The king immediately before her, if memory serves, was William IV, she was succeeded by her eldest son who reigned as Edward VII but it is only her reign that can properly be described as "Victorian". Michael Montagne Doh ! that is why it is called Victorian times, because of Victoria, then when her son came to the throne it became Edwardian.

Where did the Victorian era occur?

The Victorian Era describes the reign of Queen Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland, who reigned from 1837 to 1901.It is called the Victorian era because it was the period of the reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901.

What what does the Victorian times mean?

The Victorian era was the reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1901.

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