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Fidel Castro officially stepped down as President of Cuba in 2008. His brother Raul Castro had been Acting President since 2006, and was given full Presidential status after Castro's resignation.

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Fidel Castro.

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Q: Who was the president of Cuba until 2008?
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In what year did Castro become president of Cuba?

Fidel Castro: sworn in as Prime Minister of Cuba on 16 February1959, serving until 24 February 1976 when that office was abolished; elected as President of the Council of State and President of the Council of Ministers on 2 December 1976; served as President until late July, 2006, when he handed power (temporarily) to his brother Raul Castro. Fidel Castro resigned as President on 19 February 2008. Raul Castro was elected President of Cuba on 24 February, 2008.

For how long does the president stay in office in cuba?

fidel castro was prime minister of cuba from 1959-1976 and president from 1976-2008

Was Fidel Castro the president of Cuba?

Yes, Fidel Castro was the president of Cuba from 1976 December 2 to 2008 February 24.

In what year did Raul Castro become president of Cuba?

Raul Castro became president of the Republic of Cuba in 2008 (February 24).

What happened in Cuba in 2008?

In 2008 Fidel Castro resigned as the President of Cuba. This marked the formal end of his 49 year reign of power in the country.

Does Cuba have a mixed economy?

Cuba is still transitioning to a mixed market economy from a socialist economy. Fidel Castro was the President of Cuba from 1976 to 2008.

What country is Fidel Castro the leader of?

Fidel Castro became leader of Cuba, a few years after helping to dispose of the previous dictator Batista.Cuba

When did Fidel Castro stop ruling Cuba?

On 19 Feb 2008 Castro announced he was stepping down as Cuba's president, he intends to continue to advice Cuba's political leaders.

What country did Fidel Castro rule from 1959 until 2008?

Fidel Castro ruled Cuba though 1959 to 2008.

What position does Fidel Castro hold in Cuba?

Fidel Castro held the position of Prime Minister of Cuba from 1959 to 1976 and then became the President of the Council of State and the President of the Council of Ministers from 1976 to 2008. After his retirement in 2008, his brother Raul Castro succeeded him as the leader of Cuba.

Who is leading cuba right now?

Cuba, officially the Republic of Cuba is a large Caribbean island nation under communist rule.Cuba is run by Raúl Modesto Castro Ruz, known as Raúl Castro.Raul Castro has been President of the Council of State of Cuba and the President of the Council of Ministers of Cuba since 2008.

Who is the current president of Cuba?

Raúl Castro is the President of Cuba and has been since 2008 February 24, Acting President as of 2006 July 31. The younger brother of Fidel Castro, Raúl was Fidel's right-hand man during the Cuban revolution.