Is it possible to get a free government grant in Kingstree, SC?
The address of the Williamsburg County Library is: 215 North Jackson Street, Kingstree, 29556 3319
The address of the Williamsburgh Historical Society is: 135 Hampton Ave, Kingstree, SC 29556
The address of the Williamsburg County Library Bookmobile is: 215 North Jackson Street, Kingstree, 29556 3319
Kingstree , SC in 1986
Hunter Yates goes to Kingstree Junior High
41 miles
It is 74.9 miles according to Google Maps.
The phone number of the Williamsburg County Library is: 843-355-9486.
The phone number of the Williamsburgh Historical Society is: 843-355-3306.
The phone number of the Williamsburg County Library Bookmobile is: 843-355-7679.
Unable to give specific recommendations on this site. Suggest you research the Yellow Pages or on-line listings for attorneys.