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No Queen has ever been "knighted".

Knighthood is exclusively a title given to men.

Yes, but the nearest to a knight a woman can get is to be given the title Lady Thatcher (The first woman prime minister)

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Q: Who was the first Queen of England to be knighted?
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The Queen of England knighted Edmund Hillary in June 1953.

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He was knighted, probably because Queen Elizabeth 1, the queen of England, had a crush on Sir Walter Raleigh. (Or at the time Walter Raleigh!)

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Not by the queen of england, no. I can't speak for any other monarch.

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Elizabeth the First

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He was knighted on a galleon called the golden hind (or the pelican) just off drake's island in the Plymouth sound he was knighted in England on April 4, 1581 by Queen Elizabeth I.

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Isaac Newton was knighted in April 1705 by Queen Anne

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The 'Sir' is from being 'knighted' by the queen (or king) of England.

Was Bush Sr knighted by Queen Elizabeth?

Absolutely YES. The President of the United stated knelt before the Queen of England in 1993

Who was the second footballer to be knighted?

Adam ogburn - Not possible! Adam Ogburn is American and plays baseball. To be knighted, by the Queen or King of England, you'd have to be British

How do people in the US become knighted?

We don't have anything is the US like that, you will have to go to England and do something very special for the queen to recognize your accomplishment.Only a King or Queen may "knight" a person. In today's age, to be knighted is to be honored by the parliament. To be a knight is to hold a title of honor.