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Elizabeth I 1558 to 1603

James I 1603 to 1625.

haha let me guess your doing the Shakespeare project too? :P im grade 7

Oh my god are you American or summit

xoxoxox love from Jesus-Rules

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In Britain its Queen Elizabeth I & then James VI of Scotland/1st of England.

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1558 - 1603 Elizabeth I

1603 - 1625 James I

1625 - 1649 Charles I

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salalina somario

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Q: Who was the King or Queen of England in 1564 to 1616?
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Did queen Mary I reign during 1564 and 1616?

No, she reigned England from 1553-1558 William Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616 - his lifetime was in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth I and King James I.

In 1564 Who was the king of England?

The reigning English Monarch in 1564 was Queen Elizabeth I.

Who was king of England on the year 1564?

Queen not King - Elizabeth 1

Which monarch ruled England between 1564 -1616?

Queen Elizabeth I reigned from 17 November 1558 to 24 March 1603. She was succeeded by King James I who reigned until 27 March 1625.

Who was the king queen when Shakespeare was alive?

Shakespeare was born in the reign of Elizabeth Tudor, (Elizabeth 1), who was crowned Queen in 1588. He was born in 1564. She died in 1603 and was replaced by the first Stuart king, James 1. Shakespeare died in 1616, James died in 1625

In 1616 who was the King of England?

Answer In the year 1616, the King of England was James I. He was born on 19th June 1566 and had become James VI King of Scots on 24th July 1567. He became King of England and King of Irelend when Queen Elizabeth I died on 24th March 1603 and reigned until his death on 27th March 1625.

What Period was Shakespeare Living?

Shakespeare was born in 1564 in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and which is called the Elizabethan period. She was the last monarch in the Tudor period. Shakespeare lived until 1616 in the reign of King James I, the first king in the Stuart period. His reign is sometimes called the Jacobean period. This time is also sometimes known as the English Renaissance.

Was there any kings in Shakespeare's England?

In 1603, Queen Elizabeth died and James I succeeded to the throne as king. He was the king at the time of Shakespeare's death in 1616.

What happened in england between 1564-1616?

William shakespeare was born and he died The plague swept through London. Queen Elizabeth spent 45 years as queen of England The English defeated the Spanish Armada Jamestown, Virginia, and Roanoke, North Carolina, were founded and, thus, English colonization in America began. King James VI of Scotland took the throne of England. The Dutch formed the colony of New Amsterdam

Who reigned between 1564 1616?

Answer Queen Elizabeth I reigned from 17th November 1558 until her death on 24th March 1603. She was succeeded by King James I who reigned until his death on 27th March 1625.

Who was on the throne between 1554-1616?

No-one. Following the execution of King Charles II in 1649, England became a republic, known as The Commonwealth of England. The head of this government was Oliver Cromwell, who took the title of Lord Protector. Cromwell died in 1658 and was succeeded as Lord Protector by his son, Richard Cromwell. On 29th May 1660 the monarchy was restored and Charles I's son became King as Charles II

Who was the king in England this 2011?

England has no king, it has a queen