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Lincoln Steffens

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Q: Who was leading muckraker who wrote about political corruption in The Shame of the cities?
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Early muckraker who exposed the political corruption in many American cities?

Lincoln steffens

What best describes muckraker Lincoln Steffenss goal?

political corrupting-=-= novanet!

What injustice did muckraker lincoln steffens uncover?

Lincoln Steffens uncovered political corruption in his muckraking work, particularly in his series of articles exposing municipal corruption in cities like St. Louis and Minneapolis. He revealed how politicians and business interests were colluding for personal gain at the expense of the public good.

Which statement is supported by the information in the reading passageThe main source of political corruption in the Gilded Age was centered in state governments?

Political corruption was not limited to a specific political party.

What is one of the political reforms that progressive leaders advocate?

They wanted to end the political corruption that existed in many cities.

Who does steffens blame for the political corruption he writes about in The Shame of the Cities?

everyone...yes including your mom

The corruption that enable political machine to gain power often interfered with their ability to operate the city efficiently is it true or false?

True. The corruption within political machines can hinder their ability to effectively govern and manage cities. The focus on personal gain and patronage often overrides the needs of the community, leading to ineffective governance and inefficiencies in city operations.

How did bosses like boss tweed cheat cities and make themselves rich?

Through political corruption and "honest" graft

Who controlled the Political machines?

In the late 19th century, local governments in many U.S. cities were controlled by political machines. Which of the following was one of the characteristics of political machines?They were involved in various forms of corruption.

What did Lincoln steffens report in the shame of lthe cities?

Lewis Steffens wrote about corruption in big city government.

What has the author Lincoln Steffens written?

Lincoln Steffens has written: 'Lincoln Steffens speaking' 'The shame of the cities' -- subject(s): Municipal government, Political corruption 'Letters, 1889-1936'

Who wrote Shame of The Cities?

Lincoln Steffens wrote "The Shame of the Cities," a book published in 1904 which exposed corruption and political machines in American cities during the Progressive Era.