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Italy: Mussolini died during WWII

Germany: Hitler died during WWII

Russia: Stalin

Japan: Tojo

Spain: Francesco Franco

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Q: Who was dictator in Germany after world war 1?
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Who was a dictator of Germany during World War 1 World War 2?

Adolf Hitler

What country was the first to have a dictator after World War 1?

Germany= Adolf Hitler

Who was the dictator who collaborated with the Allies to fight against Germany and Italy in World War 1?

Stalin, and it WWII, not WWI. In WWI, Italy was against Germany.

Was World War 1 and World War 2 similar?

in what ways?? yes it was similar french got enlaved both times Germany lost both times a dictator was going to war both times

Which act of aggression led to World War 2?

Adolph Hitler - the Nazi dictator of Germany - invaded Poland on September 1, 1939 Britain and France declared war on Germany for this unprovoked act of aggression

Was Germany responsible for starting both World War I and World War 2?

No. Austria started world war 1, however Germany was blamed on starting it and had to sign a treaty accepting ALL responsibility for the damage. Germany started world war 2. WW1-no because Austria-Hungary started it but Germany had to sign the treaty of Versailles WW2 did start because of Germany because of the German dictator Adolph Hitler.

Who was dictator in Britain after World War 1?

We had a prime minister... not a dictator. He was called Lloyd George.

World war 1 was officially ended with the signing of the treaty of?

WW1 was ended with the Treaty of Versailles which blamed the war on Germany. Germany was so mad about this that, for their new dictator, they looked to Hitler for guidance This led up to WW2, in a way.

Did Germany take victory in World War 1?

No. Germany lost World War I.

Which countries fought against Germany in World War 1 but on Germany's side in World War 2?

Japan emerged as a world power, but Germany was weak and humiliated

Would Italy join another war after world war 1?

Italy, under the dictator, Benito Mussolini, fought alongside Adolf Hitler's Nazis Germany, in World War II. Oct. 13, 1943, one month after Italy surrendered, it declared war on Nazi Germany, its onetime Axis powers partner.

Was Germany World War 1 or World War 2?

Germany was in WW I and WW II.