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Rasputin was the advisor to the Tsarist family.

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Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev was the main advisor to both Alexander III and Nicholas II. He was a conservative politician and statesman well respected and experienced.

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Q: Who was advisor to Alexandra the wife of the czar of russia?
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Who was Czar's of Russia wife?

This depends on Which tsar you mean, if you are talking about the last tsar of Russia, Tsar Nicholas II then he married Alexandra Fedorovna on the 8 April 1894.

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Gregor Rasputin was the mystical adviser to Czar Nichola II and his wife Alexandria.

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because Alexandra was the czars wife & with the czar at battlefront, she made all the important decisions, but she always consulted rasputin before & he did not hesitate to interfere in government affairs.

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She was Empress of Russia. She married Nicholas II. She had five children. Grand Duchess Olga, Grand Duchess Tatiana, Grand Duchess Maria, Grand Duchess Anastasia, and Tsarevitch Alexei. She was murdered in 1918, along with the rest of her family.

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Queen Victoria's son, King Edward VII, married Alexandra, daughter of the King of Denmark. Alexandra's sister Maria married Tsar Alexander III and Nicholas was their child.Also, Queen Victoria's grandaughter Alix married Nicholas.

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Prince Phillip is great nephew of Tsarina Alexandra, wife of Czar Nicholas II and Grand Duchess of Russia. Prince Phillip's maternal grandmother Victoria (not Queen Victoria) and Tsarina Alexandra were sisters. Prince Phillip is also related to the Russian Grand Duchess because she was the granddaughter of Queen Victoria and Prince Phillip is the great great grandson of Queen Victoria. When the grave of the Czar's family was unearthed and examined in 1991, it was Prince Phillip's DNA that was used and found to be an exact match in determining that the remains were those of the Russian Royal family.

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'Tsar' (Caesar), 'TsarItsa' ('Tsarina'), 'Tsesarevich' (for young).