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Edward VI's father was Henry VIII, the King of England from 1509 until his death in 1547.

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Who was the father of King Edward VI of England?

Henry VIII

How was Edward VI related to Lady Jane Grey?

his father

How old was edward VI when Henry III died?

Henry III lived from 1207 til 1272 Edward VI lived from 1537 til 1553 So when Henry III died, Edward VI was minus two hundred sixty five years old Edward VI's father was Henry VIII. When Henry VIII died Edward was nine years old

What year did Edward VI change the religion?

Edward wonted marriage allowed in the churches

Who scceeded King Edward V111?

George VI, father of the present Queen.

Who was king after Edward VI?

The successor to Edward VI was Queen Mary I.

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Edward vi (1537 - 1553)

What were Edward vi failures?

Edward VI failed to survive his illness (tuberculosis)

What was the name of Jane seymore son born in 1537?

That would be Edward, later Edward VI.

What was the name of Jane Seymour's son born in 1537?

Her sons name was Edward. He became King Edward VI after his father Henry VIII died

Did Edward the VI kill both of his parents?

No. Edward's mother, Jane Seymour, died of complications following childbirth, and his father, Henry VIII, died of natural causes.

Who was Edward VI's uncle?

Edward Seymour!