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Althea Olson

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Q: Who was A leading unionizer and socialist in the late 19th and 20th centuries was?
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What idea was proposed by the 19th-century socialist?

Government should own the means of production.

What was an effect of social reforms in the 19th and 20th centuries?

One effect of social reforms in the 19th and 20th centuries was the improvement of working conditions and wages for workers, leading to a better quality of life for many. Social reforms also helped to address issues such as child labor, women's rights, and access to education and healthcare, promoting greater equality and social justice.

What are social Democrats?

A danish political party that is currently the 2nd largest party. It emerged from the late 19th century socialist movement. A danish political party that is currently the 2nd largest party. It emerged from the late 19th century socialist movement.

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