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Historically, the Republican party has been the greatest beneficiary when it comes to gerrymandering. Gerrymandering allows small pockets of people to gain greater influence in their area, even if they are in the minority on a larger scale.

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Nobody at all benefits from gerrymandering except the representative of the district they are gerrymandering.

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Normally it helps whoever is doing so to stay in power.

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The party that has the majority.

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the state

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Q: Who usually benefits the most from gerrymandering congressional districts?
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Does gerrymandering affect the House of Representatives?

Gerrymandering is the redrawing of Congressional Districts to favor one opponent, which results in a win even if the opponent received less votes than the other. This is because the Congressional Districts are redrawn in a way where one district will crush another because it will contain the majority of the liberals in the state, for example, and hardly any conservatives. Then, the rest of the districts will be won by the conservative because there are hardly any liberals left. Even though the liberal received more votes than the consverative, the consvertive won. I hope this example helps you understand how gerrymandering affects who gets into Congress.AnswerFirst of all, it doesn't matter how the districts are drawn. The person who gets the most votes in a district wins the election for that district. Second, the previous poster tried to imply that it was the conservatives who are guilty of gerrymandering. But this is not the case. It is individual incumbent US representatives that are guilty of manipulating (through their contacts in State governments) the process of re-drawing district boundaries. They do this, not to help their party, but to ensure their own re-election. But, to the extent that members of one party do this more than the other party, it is the Democrats who are much more guilty of gerrymandering than Republicans. Sometimes, this is done not for the benefit of any one particular candidate, but for the purpose of ensuring that SOME candidate of a particular RACE wins the election. For example, in my home state of Louisiana, there is one district that includes mostly black areas of several cities, from Shreveport in the norwest corner, all the way down nearly to New Orleans in the southeast corner. For much of its length, the boundaries of this district are defined by the two shoulders of a highway, to make the district "contiguous" while avoiding the accidental inclusion of white voters that might live right next to the highway. It is no surprise that a black candidate always wins this district. 99% of the voters there are black. Of course, the actual result is harmful to the Democratic party, because it concentrates the Democratic voters of a state in one district, leaving far fewer than average in the other districts, thus ensuring Republican victories in most other districts. But the Democrats have only themselves to blame for this outcome. They are, after all, the ones that made it this way.

Sentence for gerrymander?

Gerrymandering is the practice of redistricting a state in order to make the composition of each district more aligned to a particular political faction/party. It is usually done by majority parties to solidify their dominance in legislatures.

Is federal congressional districts smaller than State legislative districts?

Not usually. Federal representatives will often cover the area of multiple local representatives. Federal representatives cover a population of roughly 700,000 while the idea of state legislatures is to have even smaller populations represented by a single state legislator. California for example has 53 US House Representatives (and 53 districts) while the Assembly (the state legislature of California) has 80 members (and 80 districts of smaller populations.

What districts in the hunger games are carears?

The Careers are usually the first 3 districts, and sometimes District 4

Who keeps a record of all Congressional bills?

the bank usually keeps the records of all congressional bills. hope it helps!

When did congressional sessions begin?

In 1933 Congressional session started commencing in January. Prior to that year, sessions usually began in the fall (December mostly) and usually adjourned by summer (March mostly).

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A standing committee

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Incumbents usually win.

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FWB stands for friends with benefits. These benefits are usually sexual and the friendship is usually strictly for sexual purposes.

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