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Sam Houston

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Q: Who served as governor of both Tennessee and Texas?
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Who was the only person to be governor of two different states namely Texas and Tennessee?

Sam Houston was the Governor of both Tennessee and Texas. He was the 6th Governor of Tennessee serving as Governor October 1, 1827 - April 16, 1829. He was the 7th Governor of Texas serving as Governor December 21, 1859 - March 16, 1861.

What did Samuel Houston do?

He was a US Congressman and Senator, the Governor of both Tennessee and Texas, the father of eight children and served as the President of the Republic of Texas for two terms.

Who was the first governor of both the states Franklin and Tennessee?

John Sevier served as the only Governor of the State of Franklin and was the first Governor of Tennessee.

Why is Sam famous?

He was the President of the Republic of Texas, the Governor of both Texas and Tennessee and a US Senator.

Who has been governor in more than one state?

Sam Houston was governor of both Tennessee and Texas.

Why is Sam Houston famous?

He was the President of the Republic of Texas, the Governor of both Texas and Tennessee and a US Senator.

What has Sam Houston done?

He was the President of the Republic of Texas twice, the Governor of both Texas and Tennessee and a US Senator.

How many female governors in Texas since 1876?

Two women have served as the Governor of Texas. Miriam Ferguson was both the 29th and the 32nd Governor and Ann Richards was the 45th Governor of Texas.

What offices did Sam Houston qualify for?

He was a US Senator, the President of the Repiblic of Texas and the Governor of both the US States of Tennessee and Texas.

Why was Sam Houston famous?

He was both the first and third President of the Republic of Texas, a Governor of Tennessee and Texas, a US Senator and a hero of the Texas Revoolution.

What state honors Sam Houston?

Both Tennessee and Texas.

What was Sam Houston's career?

He was a US Senator, the Governor of two different US States, the President of the Republic of Texas, a soldier in the War of 1812, the Commander of the Army of Texas, an attorney and a Cherokee linguist.