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Q: Who said all political power is derived from the will of the people?
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What political thinker said people the source of power?

John Locke

How did Jefferson feel about the political power and common people?

In his own words about political power and the common people, Thomas Jefferson said, "I know no safe depositary of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education."

Who said Power is held by bureaucrats and administrators.?

Max Weber said that power is held by bureaucrats and administrators. He was a German sociologist, political economist and philosopher.

Is dat true dat political science deal with power?

Box you said Hi!

Who said that the king is a Shadow of the GOD on Earth?

This phrase is often attributed to Niccolò Machiavelli, a Renaissance diplomat and political theorist known for his work "The Prince." The quote highlights the idea that the king's authority is derived from a higher power, reflecting divine right theory.

Who did Thomas Jefferson think should hold political power?

In his own words about political power and the common people, Thomas Jefferson said, "I know no safe depositary of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education."

Why is President Barack Obama said to be a terrorist?

This has been said in attempts by political pundits and detractors to smear him and by incredibly misinformed people.

What started the political parties?

Thomas Jefferson once said " that with two people you have a law firm and with three a political party." When there is any issue there are always people who are on both sides of it. Since that is the case people form themselves into groups thus creating political parties. Washington before he left office warned against political parties taking over the political process. He said that if that happened the common good of the people would be replaced by the needs of the political party. In looking at the election today I think he has been proven right.

Who is in charge of a republic?

A rebublic is the type of government that we have in the United States, so i guess the president or the people, but the leader is the president and the ones who decide whose in office is us the people.

The whole political life of a nation from the local to the national level is a continuous struggle for power was said by who?

Morgenthau's Politics Among Nations

Who said the whole political life of a nation...from the local to the national level is a continuous struggle for power?

It was Hans Morgenthau who believed political life was ultimately an ongoing battle for power. Perhaps his most well-known work is Politics Among Nations.

Who said the whole political life of a nation from the local to national level is a continuous struggle for power?

It was Hans Morgenthau who believed political life was ultimately an ongoing battle for power. Perhaps his most well-known work is Politics Among Nations.