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Q: Who revised the laws in Athens creating the first real step toward democracy in 590 BC?
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What was the direct cause of Athens gradual move toward democracy?

Allowing citizens to vote, even if they were not wealthy. Except for women

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Who led Athens in taking a step toward democracy?

The Athenian leader, Pericles, established nearly complete democracy. Pericles fostered Athenian democracy to such an extent that critics call him a populist. The wealth of Pericles family allowed him to pursue and education. He was interested in music and the arts.

How do you use Jacksonian democracy in a sentence?

Jacksonian Democracy is a movement toward greater democracy

Was Sparta or Athens more attractive toward money?

I think that Athens was more directed toward money than Sparta, because they wern't directed toward war and were more about enjoying life than war.

Was the storming of the Bastille a step toward or away from democracy in France?

lol do you have mrs. dragich.? ( I say toward)

How was the creation of the Parliament a step toward the democracy in England?

a turd

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The obstacles that slowed progress toward democracy for some African nations was civil war, military rule, or corrupt dictators.

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How was the creation of parliament a step toward the creation of the democracy in England?

a turd

How was the creation of parliament a step toward the creation of democracy England?

a turd

How was the the creation of parliament a step toward the creation of democracy in England?

a turd