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Only adult, male citizens could vote. Foreign residents, women, and non-citizens were excluded.

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Michael Scalise

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10y ago

The ancient Greek government allowed all citizens to participate in government and politics except women, children, and slaves. If there were people from other Greek territories besides the one being voted in then these 'aliens' were not allowed to participate either. The Greeks had a variety of governments based on location within the country.

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7y ago

It differed between the over 2,000 independent city-states. In some, it was the landowners. In others it was those with an income over a certain level. In Sparta it was the citizens who bore arms. In the radical democracies such a Athens it was all male citizens.

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Q: Who participated in Greek democracy?
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Novanet--> All male Greek citizens participated in the government.

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No, the ancient greek invented democracy and the first to use it. Democracy roughly translates to "the people rule" from greek

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Who ran the greek democracy?

Not all Greek city states had a democracy. Athens is the best example of a democracy. A democracy is run by the people. In Athens, all free adult males voted on issues.

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Democracy is started in Greek, Athen Democracy is started in Greek, Athen