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The vice leader is the leader of the Liberal Democrats. His name is Nick Clegg or as some may call him "Cleggy-Weggy".

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Q: Who is the new Deputy Prime Minister in the UK now that David Cameron is the Premier?
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Nicki Clegg works with David Cameron as Deputy Prime Minister

Who is the current political leader of England?

David Cameron is Prime Minister and his deputy is Nick Clegg.

Who was the deputy prime minister in 2010?

Nick clegg and/or David cameron

Is 'Prime Minister' a title?

In the United Kingdom, "Prime Minister" is not an official title. Therefore the current Prime Minister, David Cameron, is "Mr David Cameron" and not "Prime Minister David Cameron."

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David Cameron is the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

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David Cameron is the Prime Minister of The UK

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No. David Cameron's parents were married in 1962, and David Cameron was born in 1966.

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David Cameron is the leader of the Consevatives and is now Prime Minister.

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The current Prime Minister is David Cameron.

Who are the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of Britain?

Gordon Brown was Prime Minister of the UK in 2009. Deputy Prime Minister is not a permanent position in the UK Government - it is a position which is created depending on the wishes of the incumbent Prime Minister. In 2009 there was no Deputy Prime Minister.

Who is the prime minister of enlgand?

David Cameron. It should be noted that England does not have a Prime Minister, but Cameron is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.