Florence, SC and Latta, SC
186 miles
The address of the Dillon County Museum is: 101 S Marion St, Latta, SC 29565
Fred Cavanaugh is the mayor of Aiken SC
The mayor of Marion, SC is paid $34,308.
Latta, SC
Leroy Stanton was born April 10, 1946, in Latta, SC, USA.
Frank Ellerbe died July 8, 1988, in Latta, SC, USA.
Norm McMillan was born October 5, 1895, in Latta, SC, USA.
Al Latta's birth name is Alpheus A Latta.
The address of the Latta Branch Library is: 101 North Marion Street, Latta, 29565 M
Chris Latta's birth name is Latta, Christopher Lawrence.