The driving distance is about 115 miles.
The address of the Rock And Blues Museum is: 113 E 2Nd St, Clarksdale, MS 38614-4205
Willie Lee Brown was a Blues musician from Clarksdale, MS
The address of the Delta Blues Museum is: 1 Blues Alley Ln Box 45, Clarksdale, MS 38614-4336
Mayor Tim Scott.
Pat Kincade of the Gordian Knot came from Clarksdale, Ms Jim Weatherly from Pontotoc, Ms The band originated and came from Ole Miss
Cleo James was born August 31, 1940, in Clarksdale, MS, USA.
Fred Valentine was born January 19, 1935, in Clarksdale, MS, USA.
Ed Chapman died May 3, 2000, in Clarksdale, MS, USA.
Matt Duff was born October 6, 1974, in Clarksdale, MS, USA.
The driving distance from Memphis TN to Clarksdale MS is 75 miles via US-61 S per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 1 hour and 29 minutes.
Tommy Fortenberry