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Q: Who is the lowest paid president of a country in the world?
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Which country is the highest paid president in the world?


Who was the lowest paid president?


Who is the lowest paid athlete in the world?

DeAndre Jordan is the lowest paid NBA player

Is the president of the US the highest paid?

The President of the United States is the highest paid public official in the United States, but not the highest paid president in the world, nor the highest paid person in the United States.

Who is the highest paid president in the world?

Bill Gates

How much was the salary of the president in 1700?

In 1700 there was no paid office anywhere in the world called "President."

What country has the highest paid solders in the world?

Russia I think

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What president didn't get paid?

Every president get paid.

Do the champion team get paid in world cup?

Yes they get paid by both F.i.F.A as well as their own country.

How much do Cuban pro athletes get paid?

The only country in the world who's athletes don't get paid.

Who is the lowest paid player in the PBA?
