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Q: Who is the king of Algeria?
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What could they do about the problems with King John and the barons?

They could be separated. The Barons sent to algeria, while King John is being sent to Azerbaijan:)

Who is wrong Egypt or Algeria?


What is the distance from Algeria to its capital city?

The capital of Algeria is Algiers. Algiers is in Algeria, so the distance from Algeria to Algiers is zero.

In what desert is Algeria located?

Algeria is located in the Sahara.

What continient is Algeria in?

Algeria is in Africa

Where are the people in Algeria decendents from?

In Algeria

What is Algeria's nickname?

its Algeria the white

Are there wild leopards in Algeria?

yes there are wild leopards in Algeria, however there are rare in Algeria.

What country is Algeria the capital of?

Algeria is not the capital of any country, because Algeria is a country, not a city. The capital of Algeria (country) is Algiers (city).

Does Algeria have civilization?

Yes, Algeria has civilization.

Is ali amokrane from Algeria?

yes he is from algeria