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Albert Venn Dicey, born in 1835, was an English academic lawyer. He studied jurisprudence at Balliol College, Oxford, and took up a fellowship there after graduating. IN 1882, he was made Vinerian Professor of English law at the university, having largely taught and researched in tort and developing public law (since the Vinerian professorship was, at the time, the only common-law chair at Oxford, Dicey would have been responsible for all those areas which were not Roman or canon law, e.g. land, contract, equity). Three years later, in 1885, Dicey published a book that law students still refer to: An Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, which is one of the most important classic accounts of English law. Not only does it conceptualise the ideas of the sovereignty of Parliament (or, in Dicey's words: "Parliament, in the mouth of a lawyer, means the Queen, the House of Lords and the House of Commons... Parliament may make any law whatsoever, and no body or institution is recoginsed by the law of England has having a right to set aside or override the legislation of Parliament") and the rule of law, but he also made constitutional law an academically taught subject. His views on parliamentary sovereignty generally hold sway still today (although in light of Britain's accession to the EEC/EU, of the Human Rights Act 1998 and of Thoburn v Sunderland City Council 2002, where Laws LJ held that implied repeal of so-called 'constitutional statutes' was precluded, this must be heavily qualified), but his idea of the rule of law is generally seen as inadequate nowadays. However, it was cited in as recent a case as Pierson in 1998. Dicey, though a libertarian monarchist, never found favour with governments. He because exceedingly political (his Law of the Constitution was already quite polemical and nationalist in tone), loudly campaigning against home rule for Ireland. Unusually for a former Vinerian Professor, Dicey was never offered a knighthood. Dicey left Oxford in the early 20th century to take up a professorial post at the newly-founded London School of Economics and Political Science. He died in 1922.

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