

Who inspired communism?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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Q: Who inspired communism?
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Did lenin want the Russian revolution to inspire other nations?

Yes. As a communist, Lenin believed that communism was a flawless system that would bring the world equality. If his revolution inspired other nations to embrace communism, that equality would spread farther.

Which was first communism or marxism. Was communism conceived from marx's ideas or was it the other way rround?

Marxism came first, as it was a socio-political theory developed by Karl Marx. Communism, as a political and economic ideology, is based on Marxist principles and was inspired by Marx's ideas. Marx's works, such as the Communist Manifesto, laid the foundation for the concept of communism as a classless society where the means of production are owned collectively.

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Anti-Communism is the opposite of communism.

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The word ‘Communism’ was a french word. Which is ‘Communist’

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by communism

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Communism is common in China.

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3 reasons why Arthur miller wrote the crucible?

Arthur Miller was inspired to write a drama reflecting the mass cultural and political hysteria produced when the U.S. government sought to suppress Communism and radical leftist activity in America.

Why should Christians oppose communism?

Communism is atheistic.

Is communism is an adjective?

No, communism is a noun. Communist is an adjective.

Is communism considered a religon?

No; communism is an economic system.