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John Locke

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

john Locke. He was an English philosopher who argued that governments derive their authority from the consent of the governed. He believed in the importance of individual rights and the idea that people have the right to overthrow a government that violates those rights.

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Q: Who influenced the foundation of modern democracy with his belief in government by consent?
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In a democracy the government rules by the consent of?

By consent of the people.

How was john Locke influenced by the enlightenment?

John Locke was heavily influenced by the Enlightenment, particularly by the ideas of reason, individualism, and natural rights. His belief in the social contract, where the authority of the government is derived from the consent of the governed, reflected Enlightenment ideals of democracy and limited government. Locke's works laid the foundation for modern political thought and deeply influenced the American and French Revolutions.

Who does the government rule by the consent of in a democracy?


What is the same government by popular consent or indirect democracy?

A government by popular consent or indirect democracy is a representative democracy in which a small group of people are chosen by election to represent a larger group that elects them.

John Locke a writer and philosopher set forth many principles that became the basis for what?

John Locke's principles became the foundation for modern liberal democracy, emphasizing natural rights, government by consent, and the separation of powers. His ideas heavily influenced the United States Constitution and the concept of individual freedoms and limited government.

Government should be based upon the consent of the people?

In a democracy, yes.

Why is philosopher john Locke important to the foundation of the US of America?

John Locke's philosophy of natural rights, limited government, and social contract heavily influenced the founding fathers of the United States. His ideas on individual rights, government by consent, and separation of powers are reflected in documents such as the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, shaping the foundational principles of American democracy.

What are the fundamental principles?

Consent of the Governed, Limited Government, Rule of Law, Democracy, Representative Government

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What is a democracy the government rules by the constant of the?

A democracy is government by the consent of the people. Which is why general elections are held (every four or five years or so) to allow the people to vote in or out the previous, or a new government.

Which theory of government did the seventeenth and eighteenth century philosophers john Locke?

John Locke promoted the theory of liberal democracy in his work. He believed in the social contract, natural rights, and limited government with consent from the governed. Locke's ideas influenced the development of modern constitutional governments.

How do you use consent of the goverened in a sentence?

In a democracy, consent of the governed means that the government's authority comes from the will of the people. For example, the legitimacy of a government is based on the consent of the governed, who have the power to choose their leaders through free and fair elections.