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Q: Who influence public opinion with political cartoons to popularized by?
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What form of media did nativists use to turn public opinion against newer immigrants?

political cartoons

What form of media did Nativity's use to turn public opinion against newer immigration?

by using political Cartoons

Do political cartoon express fact or opinions?

A political cartoon can express either a fact or an opinion depending on what the cartoonist tries to stress . The cartoon usually expresses both fact and opinion which is why political cartoons are so popular . These cartoons are a way of pointing out a fact , or opinion , often overlooked by the media and the general reader .

What is the purpose of political cartoons?

To show the funny side of politics and for the cartoonist to convince the audience of their personal opinion.

Why do historians consider political cartoons to be credible resources in historical inquiry?

Historians consider political cartoons credible resources in historical inquiry because they provide a unique perspective on contemporary political issues and societal attitudes. These cartoons often reflect the opinions and biases of the time, offering insights into public opinion and popular narratives. Additionally, they can reveal the strategies used by political actors to shape public perception and sway public opinion.

What is cartoon in the newspapaer?

Those cartoons that caricaturize a political leader/issue or promote some political satire are generally referred to as editorial cartoons because they may point out an opinion or truth not always self-evident to the reader but portray some satire of current political issues .Ben Sargent or Pat Oliphant , and others , are both examples of artists who draw editorial comics .Comics , in general , usually promote some type of humor be it serious or on a lighter note .

The level of the media's influence in shaping political opinion is?

Media plays a very significant role in shaping political opinion. People are highly influenced with what the media reports.

Why were political cartoons used as propaganda?

Political cartoons were used as propaganda because they were visually engaging, making complex political messages more accessible to a wider audience. They could effectively convey the artist's perspective on political issues, sway public opinion, and provoke emotional responses. Additionally, cartoons were a powerful tool for criticizing opponents and spreading ideology in a subtle and humorous way.

Is it a fact or an opinion that an 18 year old watching only cartoons is childish?

i think its an opinion, cuz it depends on what kind of cartoons

Is it a fact or an opinion that watching only cartoons at any age is stupid?

That is an opinion.

Is it a fact or an opinion that an 18 year old watching only cartoons is stupid?

it is an opinion an 18 year old may watch cartoons but it doesnt have to be stupid

What is an indirect political message?

An indirect political message is a subtle or implicit expression of a political opinion or viewpoint, often conveyed through art, literature, satire, or other forms of creative expression. It may not be overt or directly stated, but can still influence or shape public opinion on political issues.