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Q: Who has the potential to emigrate from Mexico and turn his wife into an undocumented widow?
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Who has the potential to emigratefron Mexico and turn his wife into an undocumented widow?

Sinesio - Apex - BB

If Sinesio emigrates from Mexico his wife will be considered....?

an undocumented widow

If Sinesio emigrates from Mexicowho becomes an undocumented widow?

his wife

When did Widow Norton die?

Widow Norton died on August 19, 2013, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

What two spiders native to South Carolina are considered poisonous?

The Brown Recluse and the Black Widow are both poisonous and native to New Mexico.

Does black widow live in tabernas desert?

'The' black widow Latrodectus mactans lives in North America; Mexico and the United States. The species Latrodectus tredecimguttatus does live in Spain.

Does the black widow have a violin shape on its back?

Yes, the black widow spider is known for the distinctive red hourglass shape on its underside, not its back. This red hourglass is a warning to potential predators of its venomous nature.

How do you sell black widow spiders?

It is illegal to sell black widow spiders in many places due to the potential danger they pose. Additionally, selling these spiders can have serious ethical implications as they are a venomous species. It is best to contact local authorities or pest control professionals for advice on managing black widow spiders.

What is the feminine noun of widow?

It is a widow (female).

What is the genus of latrodectus?

Latrodectus is the genus of the Black Widow Spider.Latrodectus is the genus of the Black Widow Spider.Latrodectus is the genus of the Black Widow Spider.Latrodectus is the genus of the Black Widow Spider.Latrodectus is the genus of the Black Widow Spider.Latrodectus is the genus of the Black Widow Spider.

What is antonym of widow?

The antonym for the noun widow is wife or spouse. A widow is a widow as long as she remains unmarried; if she marries again, she is a wife and a spouse.

How can one widow help another widow?
