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According to john Locke God gave man natural rights.

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Q: Who gives people natural rights?
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Who gives natural rights?

According to john Locke God gave man natural rights.

Who grants men their natural rights?

According to liberalism, the fact that men are rational gives them their natural rights.

How are natural rights different from other rights?

natural rights are rights you get when you are born. that is why they are called NATURAL rights.

What is the difference between civil rights and natural rights?

Civil liberties are rights the law gives to citizens, whereas natural rights belong to all humans regardless of what the law says.

According to the Declaration how can a king give a citizen natural rights?

He can't - according to the Declaration, the creator gives all men natural rights

What amendment gives accused people certain rights?

The 6th amendment gives people accused of crimes certain rights.

What is the difference between civil liberties and natural rights?

Civil liberties are rights the law gives to citizens, whereas natural rights belong to all humans regardless of what the law says.

According to the Declaration of independece how can a king give a citizen natural rights?

He can't - according to the Declaration, the creator gives all men natural rights.

How are natural right differ from other rights?

Natural rights are god given rights you are born with other rights are rights you have to work for from other people.

Do natural rights belong to women and slaves only or to everyone?

Natural Rights belong to all people.

All people are born with these rights?


What idea gives people authority?
